Procurement Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Increases By Sharing But Not By Saving
Strategic Sourcing + Smart Solutions: The Unbeatable Duo for Procurement Success
Strategic Sourcing: The Foundation of Effective Procurement Strategic sourcing is far more than simply choosing suppliers. It involves a methodical approach aimed at developing long-term supplier relationships, mitigating risks, and improving overall cost efficiency. Done well, it can become a key driver of competitive advantage. Key Benefits

5 tips for improving procurement performance
Procurement plays a pivotal role in most organizations due to the major influence it has on the overall costs of the business. According to the Deloitte Global CPO Survey 2016, the majority of chief procurement officers agree that cost reduction is their number one priority this year. However, 62 percent expressed dissatisfaction

Importance of Contract Management in Achieving Value for Money in the Procurement System
Contract management plays a crucial role in the procurement process, as it helps ensure compliance, mitigate risks, and optimize supplier relationships. By effectively managing contracts, organizations can maximize the value of their procurement activities and minimize potential issues. In this guide, we will explore the key benefits and importance of

Mastering the Art of Supplier Negotiation: Tips and Techniques !!!
Supplier negotiation is the most critical skill in the world of procurement. Effective supplier negotiations are not limit to the best price but a mutually beneficial agreement from both parties that can have a profound impact on the company. It is a skill that needs a strategic approach and it is not

How to Execute a Basic Spend Analysis (Procurement)
Every company knows what they sell. Sales departments know, finance know, even the CEO knows the top level numbers. Compare that with how many companies truly know and understand what they’re buying. It’s shockingly few. And yet, especially in many manufacturing industries, goods and services associated with the cost of

Are Your P2p Approval Processes Over-Engineered?
You need to sharpen a pencil. It is not optional. The rules say you have to have a very sharp pencil. But why are you using a Swiss Army knife? Good software will allow you to do virtually anything but it’s amazing how often businesses find the limits of what’s

The Challenges of Traditional Procurement Processes !!!
Traditional procurement processes can be characterized by manual and resource-intensive activities. Even where some automation is in place, there can be unacceptable levels of manual transactions and activity to address exceptions, ad-hoc purchases or specific project requirements. Plus, many companies still use very traditional tools, such as to engage with

How to Correct Poor Supplier Performance !!!
Correcting poor supplier performance is the other side of rewarding good supplier performance. When it is evident through your rating methodology that a supplier’s performance is inadequate, you need to meet with that supplier to improve performance. Some things to keep in mind when taking corrective action include: Resolution Setting

5 Ways To Screw Up A Purchasing Job Interview !!!
Preparing for the purchasing job interview can be daunting. Many candidates still commit a lot of mistakes during their purchasing job interviews. Ensuring that your resume does not get lost in the shuffle is an accomplishment in itself—the volume of people looking for work and bombarding job postings with their resumes.

Top 5 Purchase to Pay Project Risks !!!
Purchase to Pay risks is the enemy of any P2P project. Understanding them and knowing how to tackle them increases your chance of success.Sweep them under the carpet. Cross those bridges when you get to them. Leave it for another day. This is exactly what your consultants will do. And

Spend Analysis – A critical activity for Procurement professional
Every company knows what they sell.Sales departments know, finance know, even the CEO knows the top level numbers.Compare that with how many companies truly know and understand what they’re buying.It’s shockingly few. And yet, especially in many manufacturing industries, goods and services associated with the cost of production can account

Keys to Negotiation Success !!!
Success in negotiation requires careful preparation and planning. The following are the 10 Critical Steps for Negotiation Preparation: Setting Targets This article focuses on the third step in preparing for a negotiation: setting targets for each issue you identified. A target is a goal that you want to achieve for

Top Five 2021 Key Procurement and Supply Chain Trends
Trend #1- Procurement with a purpose accelerates For many, the reality of our climate emergency was brought into sharp focus in 2020, as a result of, and even prior to, the escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the worldwide financial sector understands that the investment risk of global warming

Procurement as a growth engine !!!
Forward thinking business leaders are exploring how procurement can bring new opportunities for growth, as they become increasingly aware of the huge potential that exists in the upstream supply base. That potential can manifest itself in many ways, but organizations that remain fixated on driving cost from supplier contracts alone

Top Five 2021 Key Procurement and Supply Chain Trends !!!
Trend #1- Procurement with a purpose accelerates For many, the reality of our climate emergency was brought into sharp focus in 2020, as a result of, and even prior to, the escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the worldwide financial sector understands that the investment risk of global warming

Top 5 Purchase to Pay Project Risks – And How to Manage Them
Purchase to Pay risks are the enemy of any P2P project. Understanding them and knowing how to tackle them increases your chance of success. Sweep them under the carpet. Cross those bridges when you get to them. Leave it for another day. This is exactly what your consultants will do. And

Indirect Procurement – It’s Time to Rise and Shine!!!
Indirect procurement of goods and services can be one of the largest areas of expenditure in any company. And the operational impact that the provision of Indirect goods and services can have on a company can be significant, either positively or negatively. Yet the lack of attention and focus that

Manage Procurement Spend Like It’s Your Own Business!
Procurement and Procurement Spend. Purchasing. Commodity Management. Category Management. They are all running their own businesses within their companies, or at least they should be, whether they realize it or not. Goods and services spend in many companies is the largest, or one of the largest, expenses. And all of

Top 6 Procurement Best Practices You Should Be Following !!!
Competition is fierce. Your company needs every advantage it can get. And needless waste from your procurement processes only eats up valuable resources and holds you back. Without an effective and reliable supply chain, your business risks unnecessary delays. Your customers and clients will wait longer for goods and services

Category Management Best Practices !!!
Category Management is the management of a grouping of similar items which an organization desires to procure under a single deal. This powerful methodology executes and is underpinned by the following: Table 1 demonstrates the correlation of Category Management Best Practices. Table 2, Distribution of Spend Management Table 3, Spend

5 Steps to Procurement Best Practice !!!
Visibility Step 1 is to get good spend visibility and understand what you are buying and how much you are spending across all your spend categories. Without visibility of spend you cannot progress. Many companies have limited or no visibility of spend that is equivalent to 20% of their revenues

Why is it so difficult to buy anything in my Organisation???
The importance of Buyer Portals

Innovation after Covid must not come at the expense of sustainability !!!
As the world approaches what will likely be an unprecedented recession, businesses are talking about “innovating out of the crisis” by working more closely with their suppliers. But what does innovation mean in this crisis and what should it achieve? During a roundtable with a cross-industry group of procurement teams,

The Ripple Effects Of The Coronavirus On The Global Supply Chain
Currently, China is the world’s largest exporter of goods. Official estimates say Chinese exports amount more than $2 trillion, making the country the largest trading nation on Earth. But with China’s economy running at just 40% capacity amid Coronavirus lockdown, the effects on the global supply chain industry are devastating.